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Look for the Manitoba Camping Association Home of the Sunshine Fund logo as only camps that are accredited through the MCA have authorization to use this logo on their website and brochures. 


While the MCA cannot guarantee that each camp meets or exceeds all standards at all times, accredited camps must sign a Statement of Compliance each year indicating that they will comply with the standards set out by the MCA. 


The Manitoba Camping Association develops and maintains standards for organized camping in Manitoba. It is through the Standards and Accreditation program that we help the general public identify safe, healthy, well-run camps. 


The MCA Standards Manual covers all aspects of camp operations ranging from sound financial practices to ensuring safety in various program activities to recommended environmental standards. The manual is continually revised and updated to meet the dynamic camping environment of today.


The Standards Manual is organized in the following sections: 

  • Camp Administration

  • Human Resources

  • Site, Facility, and Equipment

  • Transportation

  • Camp Health Care, Medical, and First Aid

  • Camp Programs / Land Based

  • Camp Programs / Water Based

  • Adventure Based Programs


Becoming an MCA Accredited Camp

A camp that is aspiring to become accredited must be in operation and a member for at least one year before the camp can apply for accreditation status. The standards manual requires completion by the camp, followed by a visit from MCA staff and committee members to support the camp and help ensure best risk management practices are implemented.

Re-accreditation visits take place every three years, however camps are required to sign and submit a Statement of Compliance each year. Accreditation applies to the operation as seen at the time of the visit. Additional visits may be required for new activities or if the camp experienced significant change in program, staff, management, board, ownership, site and/or facilities.


Standards and Accreditation Manual
Find a copy here

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